Top Tips for Detoxing

Our bodies are designed to detox for us; however, our modern-day lifestyles are full of environmental toxins, chemicals, processed foods and stress, which put pressure on our organs of elimination, causing them to become overworked, sluggish and slow.

When toxins build up in the body, it increases the risk of dysregulation in the body contributing to chronic disease, including autoimmune conditions, gut dysbiosis (IBS, SIBO, gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, reflux, IBD), fatigue, brain fog and reoccurring illness.

Many different protocols are available to help support the body in detoxing, ranging from 3-day juice cleanses to long-term fasts or strict eating habits. These can be great for some but not ideal for others.

Supporting your main organs of elimination (liver, gut, skin, kidneys and lungs) is a great place for most people to start supporting detoxification. It should be the first step in all detox protocols. If the organs of elimination aren’t working well and a detox protocol is undertaken, toxins can be stirred up from the storage place in the body with nowhere to go. This can cause more harm than good and make you feel VERY sick.

Here are our top 10 tips when it comes to detoxing. These can be helpful whether you're looking to kickstart a healthier lifestyle or give your body a gentle reset.

Tip 1 - hydration is key:

Water helps flush out toxins and aids in digestion. Aim to drink at least 2-3L of water per day, and consider adding lemon slices or cucumber for a refreshing twist. Filtered water is always best to avoid contributing to your toxic load (toxic build-up in the body)

This is a great habit to practice daily to support the liver, kidneys, digestion and skin health, all important organs of elimination.

Tip 2 - choose whole foods:

Opt for whole, nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, and poultry. These foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, protein, fats and fibre, supporting your body's natural detox processes.

Choose organic where possible, or try growing your spray-free veggies at home. Remember to eat slowly and chew foods well.

Tip 3 - cut out processed foods:

Avoid foods laden with artificial additives, preservatives, and refined sugars. These can burden your body's detoxification systems and contribute to inflammation.

Try making your favourite snacks from scratch or slowly swap out processed foods for natural options.


  • swap soft drinks for water or herbal teas

  • reduce sugar in tea and coffee

  • swap chip packets for cut-up veg with hummus

  • Take nuts, seeds or fresh fruit as snacks

  • Make extra for dinner and freeze in meal-size containers to use instead of freezer meals

Tip 4 - embrace herbal teas:

Certain herbal teas, such as green, dandelion, and ginger, are known for their detoxifying properties. They can help boost metabolism, aid digestion, and support liver function.

Our naturopath Kirsty King has a blog with herbal tea recommendations for different body systems. You can read it here.

We also have a range of herbal teas available in our online shop.

Tip 5 - prioritize sleep:

During sleep, your body undergoes crucial repair and detoxification processes. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to allow your body to recharge and rejuvenate.

Work out what time you have to get up in the morning and count back to work out a bed time. Then create a night time routine to help you wind down ready for bed.

If sleep is an issue for you we recommend booking in with one of our naturopaths or nutritionist.

Tip 6 - practice mindful eating:

Slow down and savour each bite. Mindful eating helps you become more aware of your body's hunger and fullness cues, preventing overeating and promoting better digestion.

Start by sitting to eat your meals undistracted, eat slowly one mouthful at a time and chew foods well before swallowing or taking the next bite.

Tip 7 - incorporate physical activity:

Regular exercise boosts circulation, promotes sweating, and supports lymphatic drainage – all of which aid in the elimination of toxins. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.

A nice walk in the sunshine to start or end your day can work wonders.

Tip 8 - deep breathing and meditation:

Stress can contribute to toxin buildup in the body. Engage in deep breathing exercises and meditation to reduce stress levels, promoting a sense of calm and aiding detoxification.

The lungs are an organ of elimination too; help strengthen them by taking time to focus on breathing daily. You can do it in the lounge while watching TV or make time to sit quietly and focus on breathing.

Tip 9 - limit alcohol and caffeine:

Both alcohol and excessive caffeine intake can strain your liver and affect your sleep quality. Consider reducing or eliminating these substances during your detox journey.

Try cutting back on both or limiting all together to see how your body response without them. You may have withdrawal symptoms but using the other tips should help to clear this within a few days.

Tip 10 - colon hydrotherapy:

The last tip but also our favourite way to support the body to detox. The gut is the main way waste is removed from the body. If it’s not working well, waste and toxins can build up or be reabsorbed into the body. When you are undertaking any detox, it’s recommended to incorporate colon hydrotherapy to help support the gut to clear out the toxins being stirred up and sent it’s way.

You can start with water enemas at home or coffee enemas for a little extra liver detox.

Colonics provide a much deeper cleanse for the large intestine, which has a flow-on effect to other areas of the body. The woods gravity method of colon hydrotherapy, which we use at Gut Recovery Centre, also helps to restore the function of your colon, so it will work well long term and continue to remove waste from the body.

Remember, a healthy detox is not about extreme restrictions or quick fixes. It's about adopting sustainable habits that support your body's natural processes. Before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.

Embarking on a detox journey can be a wonderful way to jumpstart your path to overall wellness. By following these ten tips, you'll be well on your way to feeling revitalized, energized, and ready to embrace a healthier lifestyle.

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