gut recovery centre team

kirsty king

Founder - Naturopath (BHSc Naturopathy) - Colon Hydrotherapist

Hi, I’m Kirsty, a gut health-obsessed naturopath on a mission to make the world a healthier and happier place, starting with you and me.

My obsession with natural health began after suffering my own gut issues in my early twenties. I was introduced to a naturopath and after a short period of working together, I started to feel better. This lead me to study a four year Bachelor of Health Science majoring in Naturopathy, at the Endeavour College of Natural Health.

Colon Hydrotherapy played a big part in my healing journey. I used colonics and enemas to help reduce digestive discomfort and symptoms of candida die off. I still use these tools today as a way to maintain a healthy balanced life.

Today, I work as a naturopath and colon hydrotherapist from Gut Recovery Centre in Goodwood, South Australia. I also support patients all over Australia via online video appointments.

When not in the clinic, you’ll most likely find me at home in my little veggie garden, curled up with our cat Tyrion, walking our dog Luna, or on an adventure with my partner Joe. 

You can read more about me and my services by heading to my website or by following me on Facebook or Instagram

ashlee yates

Naturopath (BHSc Naturopathy)

Hi, I’m Ash.

Having always had an interest in health, I first began my university studies in nutrition and dietetics. Partway through my dietetics degree, a close friend of mine was diagnosed with the autoimmune disease alopecia. Fast forward past countless tests and specialist appointments, there was no explanation for the sudden onset of her condition. Not until her mum begged her to see a naturopath. Within 6 months of naturopathic treatment, her hair began to grow back.

I’ll never forget how awe-inspiring that was, the change in my friends’ health completely contradicted everything I thought I knew about disease and healing. My friend went on to finish her masters in dietetics, while I went on to pursue studies in naturopathic medicine and chronic disease.

As time went on, I became a mother and my focus naturally progressed to children’s health. During my pregnancy with my son, we were completely heartbroken to find that he would be born with a form of kidney disease, hydronephrosis. This diagnosis, at 20 weeks gestation, shook me to my core. This pregnancy was my rainbow baby, and now suddenly it too was also riddled with fear and uncertainty.

Did I do something to cause this, what could I have done differently? Did I get pregnant again too soon? Why would this happen to any mother, but how could it happen to a mum that’s a naturopath?

The first few years of Eli’s life was a rollercoaster of joy and worry. Through a combination of naturopathy and medical care, we were able to avoid surgical intervention and ongoing pharmaceutical medication. Our beautiful boy is now living free from disease thanks to an integrative approach to his healthcare.

You can read more about Ash and her services by heading to her website

georgia foti

Naturopath (BHSc Naturopathy)

Hi I’m Georgia,

Having grown up in a family who were always inclined to deal with health in a holistic way, I became interested in nutrition and natural health care very quickly. 

It was through struggling with my own digestive health, unable to find any clear answers or relief from conventional medical care, that I sought out care from a Naturopath. I immediately felt like my practitioner was there to listen, willing to get to the bottom of things and ready to explore some non-invasive testing and treatment protocols. Most importantly, my Naturopath did not dismiss my discomfort just because it didn't fit into the diagnostic criteria for a disease.

After completing my Bachelor of Health Science in Naturopathy at Endeavour College, I came to understand that Naturopathic health care, in conjunction with conventional medicine, really provides the most comprehensive and effective care for the whole person. Because I fell through the cracks of conventional health care, I want to be that practitioner that bridges the gap and communicates with other health professionals effectively to help put the pieces of your health together.

​I have a special interest in treating digestive conditions such as IBS, SIBO, IBD, constipation, diarrhoea, reflux, bloating and more. A healthy and functional digestive system is absolutely paramount to overall health. Evaluating digestive function can identify how efficiently your body produces and absorbs vitamins and minerals, how hormones are broken down and regulated as well as your body's ability to eliminate waste products. Often improving a client’s digestion will slowly start to resolve other seemingly unrelated issues that are also going on. Through my clinical experience, having treated a variety of conditions, I am reminded that optimal digestion is fundamental for overall health and wellbeing. 

lisa thompson

Health and Mindset Coach

Hi I’m Lisa, Health and Mindset Coach and Inspirational Speaker and I am here to show the world that your greatest pain can become the greatest gift to yourself and the world. Since 2014, I have led myself on a powerful journey of self healing an incurable condition, and freeing my mind from past trauma. This created such profound, deep transformation from within that I now share all the gifts of gold I found along the way to support others on their own unique journey.

I am on a mission to spread hope and inspiration, enlightening others so they too can reclaim their health and well-being by following the golden thread home to the healer within. 

I began my career after studying Psychology, Social Work and Counselling, working for a decade predominantly in crisis spaces, including youth homelessness, private practice and a hospital emergency department. I have always been deeply passionate about my work however it wasn’t until I began my own journey of healing that I really discovered therapies that light me up, energise my soul and create deep transformation. 

I am a proudly certified Master Practitioner of NLP, Time-Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy, an Integrative Health Practitioner, Meditation creator and Reiki Practitioner, shining a light on and sharing the incredible gifts of traditional, holistic and natural healing practices. 

bethany rose hall

Clinical Nutritionist & Colon Hydrotherapist

Hi I’m Bethany, a Clinical Nutritionist holding an advanced diploma and a Bachelor of Health Science from Endeavour College of Natural Health. I am currently finishing my advanced diploma in naturopathy due to complete in 2023.

 From a young girl, I have always dreamed of becoming a Naturopath. I loved the idea of preventing and treating the root cause of disease with as few pharmaceuticals as possible. Investigating underlying causes of common conditions was my passion long before I became qualified to do so. I have a natural ability to distinguish how and why people are suffering; spiritually, emotionally, and physically.​

My mission is to empower people to take charge of their health. I want to eliminate the confusion around health and nutrition, so you are confident in the innate healing ability of the incredible human body that is  YOURS.

stacey mawson

Colon Hydrotherapist

Hi, I’m Stacey, a Colon Hydrotherapist at Gut Recovery Centre. I have a degree in Health Science and Human Movement and have been working in health promotion and exercise in the health industry for over 15 years.

I am currently studying for a Bachelor of Health Science Naturopathy at the Endeavour College of Natural Health.

I love all things gut health, including making my own fermented foods at home.