Gut Microbiome Stool Testing

Gut testing can help us understand what is going on in our gut. It screens for microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and worms and can also tell us what beneficial bacteria are lacking.

An imbalance in the gut microbiome can contribute to many health issues, including digestive discomfort, immune dysfunction, mood and mental health, skin disorders, and so much more.

If you are someone whose gut symptoms continue to get worse or you can’t quite put your finger on what is setting you off, gut testing may be an option.

If you are already working with a healthcare practitioner, ask them about microbiome testing. They should be able to recommend an option for you, help you to analyse the results and make a plan moving forward.

Gut testing options at GRC

Here at Gut Recovery Centre, we have two microbiome stool testing options available.

  1. Gut Recovery Package - A combination of colonics, naturopathy appointments and a Gut Microbiome Stool Test.

  2. Gut Uncovered package - A Gut Microbiome Stool test and a review appointment with a practitioner.

Gut Recovery Package

The ultimate gut reset. Identify the cause of your underlying functional gut issues through stool testing. Work 1:1 with a Naturopath, Georgia Foti, to create a treatment plan that addresses the cause of your unique presentation. Enhance your digestive function, encourage adequate elimination and relieve uncomfortable symptoms with colonic hydrotherapy.


Free Discovery Phone Call

1 x Gut Microbiome Stool Test (collection kit sent to your home)

1 x Initial Naturopathic Consultation (online or in clinic)

3 x Naturopathic return consultations (online or in clinic)

3 x Colonics at Gut Recovery Centre

*Supplements not included

Total Cost $1170 (Save $100!)

*All appointments must be carried out within a 6-month time frame.

Payment plans available - email for more info

Gut Uncovered Package

Uncover what is going on in your gut with microbiome stool testing. This option can be done in the comfort of your own home. We will send the test kit to you; you take the sample and send it to the labs. One of our healthcare practitioners will analyse the results for you and organise a 30-minute 1:1 call to review the results. You will also receive a detailed report showing what was found in your sample.


1 x Gut Microbiome Stool Test (collection kit sent to your home)

1 x Practitioner call explaining your results

*Supplements and treatment plan not included

If you are looking for ongoing support to heal and repair your gut we recommend the Gut Recovery Package or booking in an appointment with our Naturopaths or Cinical nutritionists.

Total Cost $564

*All appointments must be carried out within a 6-month time frame.

Payment plans available - email for more info