Stress and the effect it can have on gut health

We hear you, people everywhere are feeling the overwhelm and feeling stressed! There’s so much to do and not enough hours in the day and along the way you feel like you’re dropping all the balls. Can you relate?

Here at  Gut Recovery Centre we’re all about getting your gut health in tip-top condition, and we want you to be aware of just what affects your gut health. Tip…it’s not just diet!

How stress affects our gut

Stress can also greatly affect your gut health! Not only can stress lead us to poor food choices (hello convenience) but stress and anxiety can also be the underlying factor in candida, inflammatory bowel disease, painful ulcers and reflux.

Stress can also change gut motility and fluid secretion, leading to a speeding up or slowing down of excretion of waste in the colon. Hello constipation and diarrhoea we are looking at you both! Imagine how much happier your colon and gut will be with regular colonics and lowering your stress levels.

How stress shows up in the mind and body

Altered gut health
Being snappy
Poor sleep
Dull skin and hair
Weight fluctuations
Crazy hormones

5 ways to manage stress

A healthy sleep routine is vital to lowering cortisol and stress levels. Quality sleep is about more than a set number of hours with your head on the pillow, it’s about getting to sleep easily, staying asleep and waking feeling refreshed. Start with a routine before you get into bed, lower lights, banish caffeine in the evening, take a bath, use essential oils and avoid screen stimulation before bed. Once you are in bed try a sleep eye mask and don’t be too overheated.

Take time for yourself
Five minutes of time out can work wonders for controlling stress and doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming. Try a 5 minute guided meditation, dance it out to your favourite tunes, stretch your muscles with five minutes of yoga, sip a cup of tea or call a friend for a chat, belly laughs with a friend are good for the soul.

Manage your time
If you get hives just looking at your calendar then something needs to give. Try not to over schedule yourself or your family. It’s time to set some boundaries. Instead of overcommitting and wondering how you will actually fit it all in learn to say ‘no’ and mean it, when you say yes to others and load yourself up you are actually saying ‘no’ to your own self -care. While you’re it, when planning your calendar book in some appointments to fill your cup and make them a priority. Health, beauty, fitness and relaxation appointments should be your non-negotiable appointments, oh and this is your reminder to book your colonic!

Even just a few minutes of meditation can be helpful for lowering stress, and an added bonus to learning how to meditate is learning how to breathe better which can improve digestion and gut health. Meditation can calm the mind, lower blood pressure, teach patience, bring increased self-awareness, build tolerance and increase creativity. If meditation is a challenge and you can’t quite find the zen then download a guided meditation app or book into a class to learn mediation skills.

Get physical
Exercise doesn’t need to be about getting huffy puffy and lathered in a sweat. When you choose an exercise that feels good not only will you enjoy it but you will also be more committed. Try walking with a friend, pilates, a spin class, aerial yoga, bike riding, walking trails or weight training. Exercise gets you out of your head, releases feel good endorphins and help the body to function optimally.






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